
1/22/2025 |
Growth fuels confidence and investment among the middle market

New data from the National Center for the Middle Market (NCMM) reveals continued robust performance and positive outlook among U.S. middle market companies.  


7/24/2024 |
Mid-Year Indicator shows continued middle market growth, renewed focus on investment

Despite expectations that overall growth would begin to moderate, the U.S. middle market continues to post positive double-digit, year-over-year growth following the pandemic. 


1/27/2021 | Press Release
Latest Middle Market Indicator Reveals a Market Poised for Recovery

Almost a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, parts of the U.S. economy are doing well while others continue to struggle. The middle market is no different, but signs point toward cautious optimism for the year ahead.

Data from the 4Q 2020 Middle Market Indicator (MMI) released today by the National Center for the Middle Market (NCMM) reveals that the year-over-year growth fell to -1.2%, down from the 7.5% positive growth rate reported in 4Q 2019. At the same time, the S&P 500 reports -5.5% revenue growth.



4/24/2019 | Press Release
Middle Market Company Growth Continues into 2019

Middle market companies in the United States grew at a near-record rate in the last year, according to the National Center from the Middle Market (NCMM). At the same time, companies indicate that their level of hiring may decline, and their confidence in the economy has tailed slightly off. These insights come from the 1Q Middle Market Indicator (MMI) released today. Healthcare, business services and construction companies lead the way in both revenue and hiring increases.


10/24/2018 | Press Release
3Q Middle Market Report Shows Continued Growth, But Tariff Fears Taking Their Toll Putting Profitability at Risk

Middle market companies turned in another strong, high-growth performance, but concern over costs and supply chain shifts, predominantly driven by tariffs, is increasing among executives. Data from the 3Q 2018 Middle Market Indicator (MMI) released today by the National Center for the Middle Market (NCMM) reveals that the year-over-year growth rate jumped to 8.6 percent, up from 7.4 percent last quarter, and is the second highest average in the past three years.


6/18/2018 | Press Release
New Report from the National Center for the Middle Market Identifies Strong Growth and New Opportunities for U.S. Manufacturers

The business climate for manufacturing in the U.S. has markedly improved over the past few years, driving both revenue and employment growth for middle market manufacturers. But the industry is also experiencing a period of transformation that is both benefiting and challenging manufacturing companies nationwide. A new report from the National Center for the Middle Market (NCMM) and Chubb on the state of manufacturing in the U.S. finds that while many are optimistic about new opportunities for growth, 62 percent of companies rank increased competition and rising raw material costs as their top concerns, with potential trade tariffs adding to their worries.
