2Q 2019 Middle Market Indicator Reports 8.5% Revenue Growth

Halfway through 2019, growth in the middle market is decidedly strong. Year-over-year revenue growth remains high at an 8.5% rate, with more than three-quarters of firms (77%) reporting gains over the past 12 months. The employment growth rate picked up to 6.4%, following a slight slowdown over the past two quarters. However, leaders appear particularly apprehensive about the next three months: Fewer companies expect the business climate to improve next quarter, driving the Short Term Middle Market Index down significantly.

Year-End 2024 Webinar Recording

Watch the replay of the Year-End 2024 MMI webinar recording where Doug Farren, Managing Director, shared key data and insights. 


Work With Us

Whether you operate a middle market business, run an organization that serves middle market companies or are otherwise invested in the middle market’s success, the National Center for the Middle Market welcomes and values your contributions. The center offers several ways for organizations to partner with us. Learn more below about the ways you can work with the center and play a vital role in advancing the middle market’s prosperity. 


2Q 2019