Strategic Use of Digital Technology Paves the Way to Growth and Opportunity in the Middle Market
About This Report
Digital transformation matters, especially for companies in
the middle market. These businesses are positioned between
the bulky power of corporate giants and the disruptive
nimbleness of start-ups. Digital transformation offers ways for
them to compete, win, and thrive. For some, it may also be
necessary to survive.
- Middle market companies with a digital vision that is clear,
comprehensive, and guides strategic decisions grow, on
average, 75% faster than less digitally sophisticated peers.
- 54% of middle market executives say digital
transformation is extremely or very important, but only 9%
say it is a cornerstone of their company’s strategy.
- Companies with a strategic approach to digital
transformation grow faster than their peers; they are
also twice as likely as other middle market companies
to achieve their customer-experience goals. By contrast,
companies with a digital approach that is merely defensive
or “not there” lag far behind.
- Cost is the most significant obstacle to digital
transformation, preventing many businesses from pursuing
digital as aggressively as they might like.
- A digital skills gap afflicts nearly two-thirds of middle
market companies, whose leaders say it is holding them
back in their digital pursuits.
Data gathered by the National Center for the Middle Market has
amply documented the case for digital transformation. That
research includes studies of best practices in the management
of sales forces and supply chains; research about customer
experience, workforce development, risk management,
cybersecurity, and culture; and examinations of obstacles and
success factors in manufacturing and retail. (See the Resources section for a list of and links to these studies.) These and other Center projects show
how profoundly the digital revolution has changed competitive
conditions and how successful mid-sized companies have
overcome hurdles, and, in some cases, reprioritized resources, in
order to rise to the occasion.
This analysis pulls data and insights from those studies as well as
previously unpublished data to create a coherent picture of the
importance of digital transformation for middle market companies
and to present a framework that executives can use to advance
digital initiatives in their businesses. This is the first of many steps
the Center plans to take to understand digital transformation fully,
explore how it plays out in different middle market industries and
business functions, and examine the capabilities and resources
companies need to make the journey successfully.
What We Mean by Digital Transformation
“Digital transformation” is a term that gets increasingly vague the more it is used. With digital
transformation, as with many in-vogue management ideas, vendors and advisors attempt to stretch the
definition so their products and services fall within it, blurring the meaning as they do. In our research, we
distinguish among three different degrees to which digital tools and processes can improve companies:
digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation.
Refers to converting documents,
ledgers, and other paperwork
into digital formats. It reduces
paper clutter and improves
efficiency by making information
easier to store, search, and find.
The next level, involves using
digital technologies to automate
processes for better outcomes
and greater value. Fully
digitalizing processes can reduce
administrative cost, eliminate
errors, and increase speed.
As the name implies, involves
more than doing things better. It
involves doing different things,
or doing them in fundamentally
different ways. Digital
transformations can produce
dramatic changes in product and
service offerings, competitiveness,
and performance through
enterprise-wide automation and
modernization, game-changing
restructuring of balance sheets
and assets, or new business
models and revenue streams.
Digital transformation can improve performance in
many ways. For example, by integrating the IT “stack” of
applications, systems, and tools used for sales with the stacks
for operations and inventory management a company can
transform production from building-to-stock to building-to-
order. Whole categories of digital and digitally enhanced
assets, from software to warehouses, can be stripped from
balance sheets and rented as needed. This makes a business
less asset-intensive, enabling faster, cheaper scaling, allowing
access to skills mid-sized companies could not afford to
develop themselves, and increasing the inter-connectedness
and inter-dependence of firms. Digital transformation can
create value by re-forging value chains. It can eliminate
intermediaries (allowing direct-to-consumer sales or service,
for example) or create new ones, such as platform companies., for example, began as a publisher of Blue Book guides to used car prices and transformed itself into a
digital market-maker that connects shoppers to auto dealers.
Other opportunities come from insights that could not previously
be made or exploited, such as granular knowledge about
customer behavior. And there are businesses that would not even
be possible without a digital foundation upon which to build,
including GPS-based businesses like ride-share companies. These
changes in strategy, structure, and operations expose new risks as
well as opening new opportunities.
Leaders who are choosing to proceed slowly—or who are forced
to, based on resource restraints—might be right, or right for
right now. But given the overwhelming evidence of improved
performance that goes hand-in-hand with digital pursuits, it is
hard to argue with the proposition that just about every company
should become more digital than it is today.
Middle market companies place high
priority on all three kinds of digital work
Nearly two-thirds of middle market leaders say that digital ranks
among their top business priorities. On average, they spend
12% of revenue on digital initiatives. Asked where they would
allocate an additional dollar of revenue, IT ranks with plant
and equipment and adding to staff as the highest investment
priorities. Protecting digital assets—i.e., cybersecurity—ranks
higher as a risk-management priority than anything else. When
it comes to growth and transformation, three out of four say
digital is essential.
Within this overall embrace of digital tools and processes, there
are significant differences between companies that are just
digitizing and those that are transforming their business. Among
middle market leaders, 32% are digitizers while half (49%) have
moved into the area of digitalization. Just under a fifth—19% —
say they are pursuing digital transformation. Larger companies
in general are more likely to have transformative visions, and
this may be largely attributed to the fact that they have more
money, time, and talent to devote to the effort; 27% of those with
revenues between $100 million and $1 billion fall into the digital
transformation category.
Where Digital Dollars Go Now
Much of the middle market’s digital investment thus far has
focused on back-office functions rather than those that directly
interface with customers or future-oriented activities such as
innovation and strategy.
Middle market firms are most confident in their abilities to
automate and leverage technology for day-to-day functions
such as payroll, accounting, and HR management. The projects
they invest in mostly pertain to keeping the lights on, counting
the money, and operating the current business. They also put an
increasing portion of their IT spending toward security, which
protects everything from employee records to customer files.
Only about 15% of digital spending goes toward future-oriented
activities like analytics, strategy, and innovation.
However, middle market digital efforts have increasingly
emphasized customer-facing activities (such as sales, demand
generation, and service) and executives expect future efforts
to focus more on those areas. Retailers, in particular, tell the
Center that they are increasing spend on customer-experience
technologies such as websites and kiosks more than on back-office
technologies, with food-service retailers most dramatically
changing the spending mix. Across all industries, there is a
significant increase in the amount of digital support middle
market companies provide for their sales forces—more than half
use CRM (customer relationship management) software.
While spending increases are expected across the board,
the largest increases are anticipated in the areas of business
analytics, strategy, and innovation as companies move beyond
core business functions and begin to focus on projects and
processes that directly affect their operations and future
offerings. More than four out of 10 companies anticipate
increasing or significantly increasing digital spending on
business analytics and strategy development, while nearly the
same number (39%) expect to increase the digital share of their
budgets for innovation.
The Digital Future
The more wide-ranging and sophisticated a company’s
approach to digital investments, the better it performs. There
are two ways to gauge the impact of these investments: by
looking at middle market companies as a group, and by looking
at how the digital activities of top-performing companies differ
from the rest of the pack.
Nearly all mid-sized firms say that digital solutions have had
some level of positive impact on the way they do business. In the
sales function, for example, 75% of users of CRM software say
their sales teams are more “effective than peers in their industry,”
compared to 64% for non-users. Among manufacturers, 76% say
advanced technology has improved productivity and nearly all—
90%—say the impact of these technologies has been positive in
one way or another and will lead to even greater efficiency gains,
enable more customization, and pave the way to future growth.
Fast-growing companies are consistent leaders in digital. Fully
49% of companies growing at an annual rate of 10% or more
consider themselves to be digitally advanced, versus 36% of
the market as a whole. Among these high-growth firms, 65%
rate themselves excellent or very good in the use of technology
by their sales forces, compared to just 50% of companies with
lower growth rates. Manufacturers are more likely to produce
and sell smart products, embrace digital integration of their
supply chains, and leverage digital technologies to achieve
their customer experience goals. In all industries, fast growing
companies are more likely to consider cybersecurity important,
and they spend more on it—in other words, investing in a good
digital defense (cybersecurity) appears not to be positively
correlated with their ability to run a strong digital offense
(revenue growth).
The biggest performance boost comes from linking digital
investments to strategic intent—and, particularly, to digital
transformation. Companies with a strategic view of digital
transformation are more forward-looking. They innovate more,
and they use digital capabilities to innovate in more valuable
space. Innovation among the least digital companies emphasizes
improvements in existing products. Companies in the middle of
the digital pack are even more likely to invest in existing offerings
than the least digital, and they introduce new products as well.
The most digitally advanced companies are the most heavily
engaged in product innovations and they add process innovation
to the mix, which is often the most valuable kind of change.
The effort pays off: During 2018, the digitally strategic set raced
ahead of their peers with 10.2% year-over-year revenue growth,
faster than any other cohort. Not far behind are companies who
call themselves “digitally advanced,” which grew 9.3% during that
period. Two-and-a-half full points of growth separate them from
companies in the “defensive” category; these companies say they
deploy only as much technology as they need to keep up—but in
fact they are falling behind.

Evidence of the impact of digital transformation shows up
strongly in retail—an industry supposedly facing an “apocalypse.”
A thriving group of middle market retailers are adopting the tools
of digital transformation and reaping rewards across all areas
of their businesses. Retailers in this group grew by 10.5% during
the 12 months ended in October 2018, compared to 5.9% for the
whole middle market retail segment for roughly the same period.
The retail industry overall grew by 5.2% during this time period,
according to the U.S. Census Retail Trade Survey.
There remains much opportunity in the digital space for middle
market companies to embrace. Companies are only marginally
satisfied with digital practices at their firms. Most middle market
companies across revenue segments, industry sectors, and
geographies give themselves a B or a C grade for their digitization
efforts. In sales and marketing, even among the digitally
strategic firms, only about a quarter have achieved end-to-end
omnichannel capabilities for interacting with customers.
Indeed, in no area of digital advancement do companies believe
they have captured more than half of the full potential benefit.
Middle market leaders indicate that they have made the most
progress in back office areas, such as payments and records—not
coincidentally, the places where computers first were deployed.
But even in the back office, companies have realized just half
the potential benefit. As an example, paper checks remain the
preferred method of making payments for all expense types
except payroll and are also still one of the most preferred
methods for receiving payments. Even in industries like retail,
where a cadre of digitally transforming businesses is lapping the
field, 65% of companies say they only adopt enough technology
to keep up with competitors.
Overall priority given to cybersecurity, while rising sharply, is
still low, and only half of middle market leaders express high
levels of confidence in their technical team, leadership oversight,
and overall cybersecurity strategy. This is indicative of a wider
pattern: Where the risks associated with digitalization are getting
any attention, the focus is disproportionately on cyber-based
threats. These are critical; however, as the digital and physical
worlds converge and middle market companies increasingly
interweave their physical operations with digital tools and
processes, a broader, more fundamental set of operational and
supply chain risks arise. A cyber event could now potentially
result in physical harm to a company’s facility or employees
or introduce defects in products that could cause physical or
financial harm to vendors and customers.
Lack of awareness or understanding of these types of
vulnerabilities likely means they are getting shorter shrift.
Indeed, companies who are engaging in digital transformation
in response to a fear of falling behind as opposed to being
driven by strategic intent, may have a heightened vulnerability
to the operational risks introduced by digitalization without
even realizing it.
As with cybersecurity, emphasis on analytics is perhaps below
where it should be. While most companies believe analytics
tools are critical to their business, adoption of these tools is
relatively low. Just 50% of firms take advantage of demand
planning and forecasting tools; other tools, even foundational
such as business intelligence reporting and data visualization,
have much lower adoption rates.
A Framework for Digital Transformation
Digital transformation is valuable for four reasons. First, it
improves the efficiency, speed, and quality of operations.
Second, customers and employees increasingly expect digital
products and experiences. The companies that deliver are
rewarded with more business and increased loyalty from
the best customers and talent. Third, it can make scaling
and expanding faster and cheaper because companies can
substitute cheap digital assets for expensive brick-and-mortar.
Finally, digital transformation can open the door to whole new
business models and, indeed, new businesses that would not
be possible without it.
The Center developed the following framework as a guide for
executive teams looking to understand the major areas for
digital transformation and how they work together to evolve
the company’s overall business strategy and direction. While
not all companies need to focus in all areas, and not every
company will or should take these elements to their digital
extreme, it is important to note that without a strategic vision
and plan for the transformed enterprise, the value of digital
investments will mostly come from gains in efficiency and
effectiveness. In contrast, companies whose leaders agree that
their “organization’s digital vision is clear and comprehensive,
widely understood, and used to guide strategic decisions” will be
positioned for game-changing improvements in competitiveness,
innovation, and knowledge that will affect how they create and
capture value—which is why companies that put themselves
into this category are already growing nearly twice as fast as
companies whose executives are neutral or disagree.
At a minimum, every company should understand what its
digitally strategic and advanced peers and rivals do and
devise a program that best fits its own strengths and strategy.
Here is a closer look at each of the elements of the
digital transformation framework.
Our Enterprise
The heart of the framework is the strategic vision that separates top performers from the rest. Digital
transformation is typically a top down initiative led by the CEO or a formal steering group. It affects all
business functions, providing new answers to core strategy questions: What do we sell? Where do we play?
How do we win? This strategic mindset enables companies to fully embrace the possibilities of digital and
weave them throughout the business to transform its activities and performance.
- Take a top down approach to transformation
that recognizes the importance of digital for
the enterprise as a whole and across all
business functions
- Rethink strategy, operating model, and
balance sheet
- Combine processes (such as sales and
production) in ways that drive efficiencies, align
the organization, and enable new value chains
- Use analytics across all elements of the business
to discover previously hidden inefficiencies, new
customer insights, and innovation opportunities
- Develop digital capabilities and skill sets that
reinforce specific competitive advantages
- Understand and manage new strategic and
operational risks created by digital transformation
- Prioritize digital transformation of IT, customer
experience, and innovation
- Faster revenue growth
- Reduced capital intensity from eliminating or
renting previously owned assets
- Improved flexibility, faster scaling, and better
control of variable costs
- Superior knowledge of customers and markets
- Potential new business models
Digitally strategic companies experience 10.2% growth per year
Source: Middle Market Indicator Report, 4Q 2018
What We Sell
The number of connected things will reach 25 billion by 2021—a fact that will transform every
industry. Many of those smart things will be consumer products like TVs and home security systems,
medical products for monitoring chronic conditions, and even food. Digital products have already
utterly changed media and entertainment. Diabetics can now monitor their blood sugar in real time
by touching smart phones to a device implanted in their arms. 3D printing is being used to make
food—and sneakers to wear while working off the calories. The rest—two-fifths of devices and half the spending—will be smart things for business, ranging from systems to manage building HVAC
and lighting to sensors for utilities to connected factory-floors. Currently, however, digital product
offerings are still in their infancy. About three out of five middle market manufacturers produce
some smart products, but these devices typically make up less than 25% of the product mix.
- More likely to have plans to introduce a new
product or service
- More heavily invested in innovation and new
product development
- Dedicate a larger percentage of offerings to IoT-enabled
- Sell new value-added services enabled by
digital transformation
- Have a holistic, end-to-end view of how customers
use their product and collaborate to make
customers more successful
- Stronger revenue numbers
- Healthier predictions for future growth
- Access to end-user data that improves products
and sparks innovation in next-generation products
- Greater customer engagement and loyalty
- Better ability to innovate new products and services
26% of fast-growing middle market manufacturers dedicate at least a quarter of their output to smart products
Source: Middle Market Manufacturing
How We Produce It
Smart factories, digitally integrated supply chains, artificial intelligence, advanced materials, digital twins—these and
other technologies are changing operations from end-to-end. Executives continue to view digitization primarily in its
traditional role: as a means for driving efficiency and reducing operating costs. As they become more digitally strategic,
they are using technology to develop new business processes and inform a wide range of business functions from the
C-suite down to the manufacturing floor, digitally integrate with suppliers, partners, and customers; and ultimately
improve their agility and gain greater control over their operations.
- Devote substantial attention and investment
to innovating processes as well as products
and services
- Use IT to reduce paper usage and clutter, slash
error rates, and streamline functions
- Invest in advanced manufacturing techniques
(process controls, robotics, automation) to
boost productivity, flexibility, and quality
- Adopt new technologies to streamline suppliers,
inventory, and shipping channels; increase end-to-
end visibility; and shorten cycle times
- Use technology to integrate with their customers’
systems across a range of business functions
- Embrace digital in innovation, such as rapid
prototyping and agile product development
- Implement risk management plans to address
new exposures and the impact of operational
breakdowns and business interruptions
- Capture efficiencies, insights, and
improved process control across all
functions of the business
- Improved quality and reliability of
processes and products
- Higher returns on innovation investment
- Tighter integration with suppliers, with
lower cost and reduced time
- Faster product development and shorter
time to market
- Reduced operating and product
development costs
- Reduced amount of capital needed to
operate and scale the business

How We Sell It
For most middle market companies (with the exception of retailers) customer-facing
digitization has taken a back seat to back-office technology. However, this is
changing, and technology is playing an increasingly transformative role in every step
of the customer journey, starting with how consumers first learn about a company’s
offering, through the purchase process and customer support. Indeed, sales currently
ranks second only to the back-office as the functional area most affected by digital
transformation and middle market leaders say customer experience, lead generation,
and marketing tools are their top three customer-facing digital priorities at the moment.
- Place greater importance on integrated multichannel
marketing and sales, finding the right mix
of online and offline marketing, sales, and service
- Have a more fully functional website that connects
customers with employees and offers support for
products and services
- Have greater online interaction with customers
(website, social media, mobile)
- Use a variety of digital customer experience and
analytics tools
- Effectively use technologies that support the sales
force such as CRM systems and social media
- Have achieved or are working toward an
omnichannel end-to-end digital experience on all
platforms and channels
- Happier customers, faster growth: Firms that are
digitally strategic when it comes to customer
experience grow twice as fast as their non-digital
peers (9.9% vs. 4.7% year-over-year revenue growth)
- More advanced marketing and communications
capabilities, including ability to target potential
customers more accurately
- Ability to use digital tools to expand faster and less
expensively into new markets at home and abroad
- Cost savings, increased loyalty, higher share
of wallet
- Superior customer insight that feeds back into
new product and service development
- More likely to achieve customer experience goals
- Are proficient and prolific users of the most
effective customer experience digitization tools
High-growth middle market companies are 30% more likely to report effective use of technology by their sales forces than their peers
Source: The Force Is With You:Building A Highly Effective Sales Organization
Our IT Backbone
Digital transformation hinges on computing power and security. Overall, most middle market companies believe they are
in the middle of the pack when it comes to digital readiness. Just over a third (36%) consider themselves very advanced or
ahead of the pack, while about one in five feel they are lagging behind. As businesses generate more data and connect more
devices, keeping business and customer information secure and managing IT and operational interdependencies that occur
as digital and physical worlds become increasingly intertwined is a growing challenge. Since 2016, the percentage of middle
market executives who are focused on cybersecurity issues jumped by 15 points. However, whether the awareness of the
increased operational risks introduced by digitalization and digital transformation is equally high remains an open question.
- Spend more heavily on IT in general
- Allocate a larger proportion of the IT budget to
innovation, strategy development, and business
analytics and less to daily management of the
- Effectively work with IT service providers to move
some IT capabilities to the cloud; have a strategic
understanding of which capabilities should be
maintained in-house
- Rank cybersecurity as the number one priority for
their IT function and are increasing cybersecurity
- Have a documented business continuity and
disaster recovery plan in place to respond to
internal and external operational breakdowns or
interruptions and cyber threats or attacks
- Invest in backup capabilities, training for staff, risk
assessment and management, threat detection,
and cloud security practices
- Grow revenue and employment faster than
peers who view cybersecurity as less important
- Expect and achieve a higher rate of return on
digital projects and initiatives
- Are more prepared to respond and recover
from digital-based operational breakdowns or
interruptions and cybersecurity attacks
- Higher levels of confidence in technical teams,
leadership oversight, business continuity
and disaster recovery plans, and overall
cybersecurity strategy

Our Workforce
One of the biggest roadblocks in the path of middle market companies’ digital transformation
journey is a lack of digital skills among the workforce. Most middle market leaders say the digital skill
requirements for the workforce have increased, and a quarter say they have increased significantly.
Research from the Brookings Institution says that 70% of U.S. jobs require medium to high levels of
digital skill, up from 45% in 2002. Their study shows that digitalization scores rose for 517 of the 545
occupations analyzed and the average digitalization score across all occupations rose by 57%. Highly
digital jobs have become even more digital while medium-digital occupations (such as automotive
service technicians, elementary school teachers, registered nurses, and human resources specialists)
and low-digital occupations (home heath aids, heavy truck drivers, and retail workers, for example)
all saw their digitalization scores surge. In virtually every job category, employers today must hire a
far different talent profile with different skill sets than were needed two decades ago.
- Make a concerted effort to invest in people with
specific digital expertise and skills
- Culture and leadership promote adopting the
latest and best technology and digital processes,
including using digital platforms for employee
goal setting and performance management and
using mobile apps for talent acquisition
- Take a strategic approach to realigning the
workforce and deciding which activities can
be contracted to outside specialists in order to
combat the digital skills gap
- Willing to pay a premium for the right skill sets
- Provide career pathing, training, and development
- Maintain a workforce with a higher digital
skill level
- Report greater success with managing the skills
gap; better at finding and retaining people with
the right skills
- Report fewer talent management challenges in the
short and long term
- Have stronger employee value propositions
65% of middle market executives cite a lack of talent as an obstacle to digitization efforts
Source: How Digital Are You?
Our research makes a strong case for digital transformation for each element of the framework. Within every
area, middle market companies have clear opportunities to propel stronger growth and set themselves apart
from the competition. Yet, they face formidable challenges all along the path to a more digital future.
Digital transformation is most successful when it’s led from
the top. Companies whose leaders strongly believe that their
organization’s digital vision is “clear and comprehensive, widely
understood, and used to guide strategic decisions” grew 10.5%
in 2018, four-and-a-half points faster than companies whose
leaders could not make that claim. Leaders must be willing to
“reset” the organization if necessary and rethink their business
model and talent mix in order to develop and support newly
required capabilities and processes, all while managing conflict
between the digital and analog areas of the business. And they
have to be willing to stick it out; it takes time to make significant
progress, realize true transformation in the business, and capture
the financial return.
With greater demand for digitally-savvy workers among all
industries—including traditionally less-digital industries such as
retail and manufacturing—it’s no surprise that a solid majority of
executives cite a lack of talent as an obstacle to their digitization
efforts. Retraining and upskilling current staff is difficult, too.
Since digitally advanced companies are growing faster, they
feel the pinch even more because they have more openings
to fill. This is true for upper middle market companies as well.
And, despite the belief that automation will replace the need
for workers, the fastest-growing middle market manufacturers
believe they will need to onboard even more people in the years
to come as they become more digital. These people, of course,
will require a new set of digital skills.
As digital transformation alters the traditional ways in which
products are manufactured and distributed and how companies
interact with their suppliers, partners, and customers, it introduces
greater exposure to the physical and digital risks that accompany
new opportunities. Some of these emerging risks are yet to be
fully understood, and companies may not be adequately prepared
to address them. But executives are increasingly concerned: nearly
50% believe overall risk is rising for their businesses.
Specifically, smart products and services themselves must be
protected. Second, the more companies use technology to
integrate upstream and downstream, the more their business
operations become interdependent and their data more
vulnerable to breach. Companies are at heightened risk of operational breakdowns and interruptions originating both inside
and outside their firms while at the same time they are taking on
more responsibility for their partners’ and customers’ data.
Specific to cybersecurity, nearly four out of five (79%) companies
say cybersecurity is at least somewhat challenging. However,
resource constraints can make it difficult for companies to
field top-notch cybersecurity capabilities, which is why middle
market companies increasingly go to cloud-based outside
providers. And while more executives recognize the emergence
of malicious, cyber-based threats, they may be overlooking
or unaware of the broader operational risks introduced by
digital transformation—risks that pose an equally, if not larger,
threat and that have the potential to result in both physical and
financial harm to companies, vendors, and customers.
Our research shows that the most significant obstacle across
all industries is the expense associated with digitization. Some
companies—particularly smaller ones—say the price tag
outweighs the benefits that digital affords. Retooling factories
isn’t cheap, increasing the need for capital. And in some cases,
particularly with customer experience digitalization, the benefits
are non-linear, fully materializing only once companies have
strategically and heavily invested in effective technologies. The
digital transformation journey introduces an upgrade challenge
as well—to fully embrace digital transformation, companies must
be willing and able to continually invest in the effort.
Lack of a digitally-intensive culture can exacerbate all of the
other challenges that stand in the way of digital transformation.
Our research on culture has shown that middle market companies
with innovative or technically-oriented cultures grow fastest
while companies with risk-averse cultures grow slowest. In
organizations that are slow to embrace change and accept the
risk that comes with it, becoming more digital will be an uphill
battle. Among companies that have made direct attempts to
alter culture, only about a third say the effort was extremely
successful. However, while culture can be hard to budge, it’s not
impossible. Executives that want to move toward a more digital
future can help promote success by modeling a more digital
mindset from the top down, clearly communicating expectations
for employees, and rewarding employees who embody the new,
more digital culture that the company envisions.
Starting Your Digital Transformation
Despite significant challenges, middle market companies have
a unique set of advantages when it comes to pursuing digital
transformation. Individually and collectively, hurdles can hold
back a middle market company from the ambitious digital
transformation it would like to pursue, if only it had the money,
talent, and time. And they are, indeed, formidable obstacles.
However, a subset of middle market companies has found ways
to embrace digital transformation and surmount the challenges.
And they are reaping the rewards, especially those companies
that have infused digital into their strategies and are clearly
outpacing their competitors in terms of rapid growth. They have
also evidenced a more holistic view of the risks arising from
their digital transformation efforts and implemented sound risk
management plans that mitigate the effects of an operational
breakdown, interruption, or cyber event that could become
magnified in a physical-digital environment.
For those that aren’t quite there yet, drawing on key strengths
inherent to being a middle market company can help. Middle
market companies are typically more flexible and agile than their
larger peers and may be less hamstrung by existing investments
in less productive channels. This affords the opportunity to pick
and choose the newest and best technologies as needed to
advance specific growth goals and initiatives that will deliver the
greatest impact.
Companies can start by exploring the best practices in the
framework in this paper and determining which most easily fit
into their existing business and can be supported by currently
available resources. As they do, the advantages gained can be
used to enable more digital pursuits. Some digital transformation
can be undertaken with the support of business partners and
rapidly “bleed” into other areas; for example, banks will often
help with the digitalization of payments processes, which can, in
turn, lead into digital transformation of elements of supply chain
and distribution.
In the coming months, the Center aims to share additional
insights to help middle market executives further leverage the
framework to focus and advance their digital transformation
journeys, more efficiently overcome the obstacles, and more fully
enjoy the many advantages that digital transformation affords.
As you begin to consider what your digital transformation journey will look like, the
following prompts can help you clarify your current digital state, identify your greatest
areas of opportunity or where you may already be well down the path, and decide how
best to focus your resources going forward.
Our Enterprise
- To what extent do we aspire to be among the leaders in our industry in creating
business value from digital technologies?
- In which areas of the business are we leaders in our industry? In which areas are
we lagging behind our peers?
- Does our company have a digital vision that is clear and comprehensive; widely
understood internally and externally by employees, customers, and partners; and
used to guide strategic decisions?
- Does our company have a strategy to use digital technologies to achieve
competitive advantage, increase revenue, and use capital more effectively?
What We Sell
- Do our offerings include advanced, internet-connected products and services?
- Do we use advanced technologies such as digital twins, rapid prototyping, and
sensors to produce and improve our offerings and understand how customers
use them?
- Does our innovation portfolio comprise product/service, process, and business
model innovation?
How We Produce It
- Are our operations efficient and agile?
- Are we deploying advanced production technologies?
- Do we have a “glass pipeline”—a real time, digital view of our entire supply and
distribution chain—or is each element managed in a separate silo?
How We Sell It
- Does our sales force have the digital tools it needs to succeed?
- Can customers interact and do business with us on all channels—web, mobile,
phone, face-to-face?
- Is digital fully integrated into our marketing mix?
- Do we have real-time, detailed knowledge of our customers?
Our IT Backbone
- In general, are our firm’s IT capabilities ahead of, just keeping pace, or lagging
behind our competitors?
- Have we connected our sales and marketing IT to our production systems? To
our financial systems?
- Do we have and deploy analytics tools broadly across the organization, including
sales and marketing, operations, HR, and risk and compliance?
- Are our cybersecurity defenses sufficient and appropriate, up-to-date, and
audited annually?
Our Workforce
- In general, are the digital skills of our workforce ahead of, just keeping pace, or
lagging behind our competitors?
- Do we have a digital skills gap? Do we know where it is most acute and what the
business consequences are?
- Do we have a talent management plan to upgrade the digital skills of our workforce?
The data and insights in this report are based on findings from the Center’s Middle Market Indicator,
a quarterly business performance update and economic outlook survey conducted among 1,000
C-suite executives of companies with annual revenues between $10MM and $1B, as well as several of
the Center’s previously published research studies, including:
The Power of Business Analytics in the Middle Market,
How Analytics Can Accelerate Growth and Improve Business Performance, 2020
High-Performance Culture, How Middle Market
Executives View & Harness the Power of Culture, 2019
Middle Market Retail, How Digital Transformation Is Fueling Growth, 2018
Cybersecurity & the Middle Market, The Growing Importance
of Cybersecurity & How Middle Market Companies Manage Cyber Risks, 2018
Middle Market Manufacturing, How to Thrive in a Transforming Environment, 2018
Digitizing the Customer Experience: Are We There Yet?,
How Middle Market Companies Are Integrating Digital Tools into Customer Touchpoints , 2017
The Perfect Link: How Middle Market Companies Operate Within Supply Chains, 2017
The Force Is With You: Building A Highly Effective Sales Organization, 2016
How Digital Are You? Middle Market Digitization Trends And How Your Firm Measures Up, 2016